This track is an all-timer! At the risk of being hyperbolic, I’ll bet I’ve listened to it 1000 times at least. “Lotta Love” is great too. Looking forward to playing this week’s show later today! Would be spinning it now, but forgot my AirPods at home. 🤦♂️
Super ! 😁 I was looking forward to this one too. Michael McDonald has one of the most beautiful voices of his generation. Anyway thanks for reading & your support. Have a great weekend and have fun with the mix !
Only started subscribing recently and loving this! Both last week’s and this week’s 12-inch remixes sound nothing like I’d expect a dance remix to sound like. I’m also excited to start checking out your mixes on Mixcloud. I used to be on there all the time and just got out of the habit. I’m looking forward to diving back in!
Thanks for your compliments Mark. There are more than 50 mixes already available on Mixcloud. The one's that follow the weekly episodes share the numbering & title with the episodes in question. Apart from that you've got some longer ones. Every mix has a genre description & year attached so you know instantly if it will be to your taste 😃.
I love both Yacht Rock (or AOR as I knew it for decades) and disco and as you point out they have much in common. Remixes were more like edits in those early days of the 12" with the arrangement of the 7" being respected, an approach which I generally prefer to the way remixing went in the 90s where DJs were given carte blanche. In sharp contrast, there was not even a Jim Burgess credit on the UK 12" which was marketed as "the American Disco Cut". My favourite Kenny Loggins track is Love Will Follow, a beautiful piece of music whether you label it AOR, Yacht Rock, West Coast Rock or whatever
Indeed Paul. It has a lot to do with how Warner Music handled their entry into "disco". I will return to this in future episodes. I worked for Warner for a number of years and it's a part of their DNA I think. They were almost always late in entering a new "arena" and when they did they spent a lot of money without ever really going all the way. Ray Caviano, their disco promotor who arranged all the remixes, wasn't really considered as "one of the boys". That explains the fact that the remixes weren't broadly distributed or known. It's "we'll do it but don't make too much a fuss about it" 😃. On their releases, the remixer wasn't allowed to edit or use overdubs. I agree with you that remixes where the original is still "recognizable" are preferable although there are superb remixes that have created something completely new. It depends also on the song. Thanks for reading & reacting Paul. Have a great weekend !
Love this mix! I'd never heard the What a Fool Believes remix before. I think it's one of the great songs from the era. I appreciate it much more now than I did then!
I agree Dan. I was fan from day one but I didn’t know the remix either. Warner had a difficult relationship with with disco and the work of Ray Caviano. I will be zooming in on that episode in one of the future episodes. I think it explains why the remix stayed a bit under the radar. Thanks for reading and sharing. Have a great weekend
This track is an all-timer! At the risk of being hyperbolic, I’ll bet I’ve listened to it 1000 times at least. “Lotta Love” is great too. Looking forward to playing this week’s show later today! Would be spinning it now, but forgot my AirPods at home. 🤦♂️
Super ! 😁 I was looking forward to this one too. Michael McDonald has one of the most beautiful voices of his generation. Anyway thanks for reading & your support. Have a great weekend and have fun with the mix !
Only started subscribing recently and loving this! Both last week’s and this week’s 12-inch remixes sound nothing like I’d expect a dance remix to sound like. I’m also excited to start checking out your mixes on Mixcloud. I used to be on there all the time and just got out of the habit. I’m looking forward to diving back in!
Thanks for your compliments Mark. There are more than 50 mixes already available on Mixcloud. The one's that follow the weekly episodes share the numbering & title with the episodes in question. Apart from that you've got some longer ones. Every mix has a genre description & year attached so you know instantly if it will be to your taste 😃.
I love both Yacht Rock (or AOR as I knew it for decades) and disco and as you point out they have much in common. Remixes were more like edits in those early days of the 12" with the arrangement of the 7" being respected, an approach which I generally prefer to the way remixing went in the 90s where DJs were given carte blanche. In sharp contrast, there was not even a Jim Burgess credit on the UK 12" which was marketed as "the American Disco Cut". My favourite Kenny Loggins track is Love Will Follow, a beautiful piece of music whether you label it AOR, Yacht Rock, West Coast Rock or whatever
Indeed Paul. It has a lot to do with how Warner Music handled their entry into "disco". I will return to this in future episodes. I worked for Warner for a number of years and it's a part of their DNA I think. They were almost always late in entering a new "arena" and when they did they spent a lot of money without ever really going all the way. Ray Caviano, their disco promotor who arranged all the remixes, wasn't really considered as "one of the boys". That explains the fact that the remixes weren't broadly distributed or known. It's "we'll do it but don't make too much a fuss about it" 😃. On their releases, the remixer wasn't allowed to edit or use overdubs. I agree with you that remixes where the original is still "recognizable" are preferable although there are superb remixes that have created something completely new. It depends also on the song. Thanks for reading & reacting Paul. Have a great weekend !
Thanks for the interesting inside info on Warners and I look forward to learning more in future episodes
Love this mix! I'd never heard the What a Fool Believes remix before. I think it's one of the great songs from the era. I appreciate it much more now than I did then!
I agree Dan. I was fan from day one but I didn’t know the remix either. Warner had a difficult relationship with with disco and the work of Ray Caviano. I will be zooming in on that episode in one of the future episodes. I think it explains why the remix stayed a bit under the radar. Thanks for reading and sharing. Have a great weekend