Let me start by introducing myself. I’m Pé Dupre (the handsome one 😁🤓). I’m a disco kid 🕺 & 80ties dance music lover and writer. I’m here to help you embrace your secret love for 70s and 80s dance music. Each week, I share the stories of artists you know and those you think you don’t. Fair warning: a dose of sarcasm, puns, and dry humor is inevitable!
I’m a devoted collector of dance music from the ’70s and ’80s, and as a trained historian, I’m fascinated by the stories behind every track I uncover. With a career rooted in the music industry, I’ve gained valuable insights into how artists’ careers and releases come together. My aim isn’t to replicate Wikipedia entries but to delve deeper into the lives of the creators—their motivations, inspirations, and the intricate connections that shaped their music.
Each newsletter is an immersive experience, combining my writing with mixtapes I create and share on Mixcloud, Soundcloud, and YouTube. You’ll find all the details in every episode.
This newsletter is evolving into a sort of living book, with chapters exploring the various genres and subgenres I cover. These chapters—“the connecting dots,” if you will—will be behind a paywall, but the weekly episodes remain free. Subscribe and give it a try—I’m sure we’ll have a great time exploring together!
Oh, and the “monsieur” behind me is my husband.
To complete the family picture: meet my two proofreaders and full-time rascals! Elvis (the white one) is named, of course, after the Elvis—because he loves his food a little too much. We’re constantly putting him on a diet to keep him from turning into the Elvis of the seventies. And then there’s Nougat (the brown one), named not after Sir Peter Nougat (if only!), but simply because I’m a big fan of the candy.